Asia-Pacific Insights

Friday, September 20, 2024 6:44 am
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Paradox of the Oncoming Upheaval

A global war in the 21st century is no longer just a plausibility but a certainty. And the paradox in this certainty is that in all likelihood, the United States will call the first nuclear strike to annihilate its enemies.

A bigger role for the United States in the West Philippine Sea

Some security analysts and military officials suggested invoking the 1951 Mutual Defense Treaty (MDT), inviting the United States military to intervene and defend its oldest ally in the region.
However, the defense department disagreed.

Chinese drills in Escoda violate UNCLOS

The Philippines is familiar with China’s tactics in the disputed waters of the South China Sea. It will harass and provoke but will not start a shooting war.

The War Against the Jews is a War of Hatred

Around 40,000 rockets have hit Israel so far. While Hamas justified the bombings as a counteroffensive to Israel’s blockade of Gaza, the October attack reveals far more than just that.

Convergence of threats, convergence of responses

In his address at a recent Singapore forum, US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin harped on “convergence” as a new and growing security paradigm worldwide. 

Corruption is the Philippines’ Number One Enemy

The Philippines is seriously threatened by China. 
This situation has been so for years and has only worsened through time. However, the number one enemy of the Philippines is corruption.

Duterte’s Gentleman’s Agreement

If there was an agreement on the bringing of supplies to BRP Sierra Madre, how could China have prevented the wooden supply boat from carrying out its mission during that time?

Duterte’s options when the ICC arrest warrant is served

As Rodrigo Duterte faces imminent arrest by the International Criminal Court (ICC) for crimes against humanity, a former senator sees three potential scenarios.

The Post-Soviet Space: Parallelisms Between Putin and Hitler

It may not be apparent to some, but one of the key reasons why Putin invaded Ukraine was to cement his reelection. In 2024, Putin is only a year short of how long Josef Stalin ruled the Soviet Republic.

Philippines challenges China in a “Go” game in the West Philippine Sea

The West Philippine Sea is like a giant “Go” board with China sending hundreds of vessels – Navy, Coast Guard, and militia – to occupy Philippine maritime spaces near uninhabited features.