Asia-Pacific Insights

Friday, September 20, 2024 2:32 am
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US offers to help PH resupply missions: part of strategy to contain China

There are questions, however, about how much assistance the US can provide to the Philippines as it’s focused on the Middle East.

Putting China’s Recent Sabina Shoal Actions in Proper Perspective 

Informed observers currently believe the true aim of Beijing is to continue building artificial islands to legitimize its Ten-Dash Line claim and cement its dominance.

The Military Superiority of the Jewish State Amidst the Argument for Restraint

Besides what some religious would cite as Israel’s God-ordained right to be in the Promised Land, what has allowed Israel to survive its neighbors all these years?

PH needs to build a credible air power

The incident at Bajo de Masinloc showed China’s air superiority and ability to enforce an air identification zone in the South China Sea.

Shadow boxing

The situation in the contested waters is akin to a never-ending bout of shadowboxing, with both sides constantly gearing up for a potential showdown in this crucial waterway.

US elections upended as a “sleepy race” gives way to mad dash to elections

The coming Harris-Trump face-off has inspired musings of a “prosecutor vs felon” contest as well as a slew of social media memes that underline their nearly 20-year age difference, the “Silent Generation” vs Gen X and Millennials.  

Post-debate fall-out continues to fuel speculation, in & out of America

The first presidential debate proved such a debacle for Pres. Joe Biden that it’s opened questions about whether a perturbed, restive Democratic Party might find someone else to battle Donald Trump in November.

Biggest World Threats in 2024

The powers of governments today are diminishing. Those unaccountable wealthy individuals and companies who run today’s sources of information have grown relatively more powerful.

Discord in the Marcos security team?

The open letter could be driving a wedge among the Marcos administration’s senior security officials.

Actions speak louder than words

The Philippines welcomes the statement of support but needs stronger actions to demonstrate the robust alliance between the two allies.